Don’t Believe the Lies

Society communicates some powerful beliefs which we tend to accept, and then judge ourselves by.

And yet these are destructive, and self-limiting, lies.

They include:      

1. I am what I have: Stuff is only stuff. It is never more than that. And we all have different reasons for acquiring stuff, and also different attitudes towards that stuff.

For example, some people find they’re born into a wealthy privileged home; whilst other families struggle just to fight off poverty.

Also … wealth matters to some people so they want to own large homes, to buy expensive cars, and have the latest games and toys. Others aren’t motivated by those things at all.

2. I am what I’ve done: None of us is perfect. We all have some regrets. But what matters the most is what we learn from our mistakes.

It’s who you are today that is your true identity.

3. I am who others say I am: People tend to judge us from their own personal viewpoint. They’re often unobjective, or are blinkered in some way. Hence, it’s not a true reflection of who we really are.

4. I am how other people treat me. Often, people will be driven by their own issues and needs. This means the way they treat us says a lot more about them … than it does about our actions, or our personality.

Don’t let these lies derail you from setting your own course, or negatively impact how you feel about yourself.

You’re not the stuff you own, and you are not what you have done. Other people have opinions but they don’t know everything. They don’t have the full picture, and they live by their own script. They have their own agenda. Don’t take that stuff to heart.   

“People will tell you who you are. Don’t believe them.”

13 thoughts on “Don’t Believe the Lies

  1. Numbers 3 and 4 are easiest for me to believe. I’m a natural pleaser who sometimes puts too much value on the opinions of others. The reality is, we are all works in progress. I’ve learned to be careful who I allow to speak into my life. Otherwise, I’d be upset if a stranger told me I was a horrible person.🙃

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