Signs you are Healing from Trauma

Signs you are healing from trauma include:

1. You are able to acknowledge that you’ve been through something totally life-changing. Something that has shaken up your world. There’s no denial or playing things down.

2. You allow yourself to feel ALL the feelings. This includes the intense, negative, and scary ones. You don’t pretend that you’re OK, or use positive thinking to bypass your unwanted and negative emotions.

3. You accept support. From counsellors, therapists, doctors, or close friends. You know this is too big, and you can’t do it alone. Being traumatized is different from dealing with tough things. It’s a different beast entirely. And a very scary one.

4. You consciously nurture your body and mind. Your autonomic nervous system has been stuck on over-drive. Hence, you know you really need to pay attention to your health. So you rest when you can and you make time for exercise. You eat a healthy diet, and seek medial advice for any side effects of the traumatic response. You also have slowed down, and are skilled at saying ‘no’. You recognize your limits, and have healthy boundaries.

5. You accept that it’s OK to not be OK. You now understand the nature of trauma, grief and loss – which comes in powerful waves, and often unexpectedly. And you’ve accepted the hard truth that this is how it’s going to be – and that healing will take time, and it will follow its own course.

6.  You know you’re not alone. This is a shared experience. There are others in the world who have experienced this as well. They’ve experienced the same symptoms; they’ve reacted similarly.  But you know that they’ve survived … which means that you can survive too.

7. You don’t need to hide the truth; you have worked through the sense of shame. You accept this is your story. One that others wrote for you. But you can hold your head up high, for this says nothing about you – except that you’ve survived, and you’re courageous, brave, and strong.  

That is, you’re not some powerless victim. You have taken back your life.    

Real healing is hard, exhausting, and draining. Let yourself go through it. Don’t try to paint it as anything other than it is. Be there for yourself. With no judgment.”  

15 thoughts on “Signs you are Healing from Trauma

  1. “Be there for yourself with no judgment.” I love it!

    If you broke your leg while snow skiing, you might say to yourself, “It was dumb for me to try that Black Diamond route.” But then you would focus on physically healing. Accidents happen, there is no shame. In retrospect, maybe it was dumb for you to trust someone who later betrayed you. But these things happen, even to the most well intentioned. Renounce the shame and focus on your emotional healing. The scars fade with time as life goes on. Just keep moving in the right direction (healing).

    You can do it! I did.🙏❤️

    Liked by 3 people

    • Yes, accidents happen. Also, people change – and sometimes in unexpected ways. My guess is that the latter was your experience. You were right to trust initially – but later (through no fault of your own) the person changed, and she betrayed your trust. Thanks for emphasizing the importance of non-judgment, and for modelling emotional healing, and getting back into the race again!

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Is it weird that I’ve never been afraid to show or speak about how I’m feeling, or feel ashamed about it? It almost feels to me that my ability to articulate/express it, and my insight into it, made others take it less seriously and help was extremely hard to come by when asking for it. The fact that I knew I had self-worth and something to give made me even more indignant and restless at not getting the chance to move forwards, when I was clearly aware of what help I needed.

    I had no suicide attempts to speak of but I could describe multiple times when I was in exactly that mental state. I also don’t get too emotional when describing those times because it’s like I was already nurturing myself at the time and could see the situation for what it was, and had already rationalised it all.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I love that your list focuses on acceptance – in various forms- by the trauma survivor. So much advice focuses on “letting go” and “forgiving” which often seems to do more harm than good. Acceptance is a much more empowering place to start from.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I totally agree. Letting go is easy to say but trauma is so complex that it’s unrealistic to think you can just let go! And forgiving is very complicated too. Acceptance is achievable – and is also healing. Thanks for commenting on this blackacre 🙂 Have a great day!

      Liked by 2 people

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