Understanding and Treating Trauma

Trauma reactions are normal reactions to abnormal events.”

There are no right and wrong ways to respond to a trauma; and your symptoms may include the following:

– Shock, numbness, disbelief, or even denial

– Confusion

– Difficulties with focusing, paying attention, concentrating and remembering

– Powerful unpredictable mood swings

– Anger and rage

– Irritability/ having a short fuse

– Intense fear and anxiety

– Panic attacks and anxiety attacks

– Guilt, shame, and (inappropriate) self-blame

– The desire to isolate yourself

– Sadness, sorrow and regret

– Hopelessness/ an inability to see anything good in the future

– Insomnia, nightmares, and broken sleep

– Hypervigilant/ hyperalert/ agitation/ being on edge

– Racing heart

– Difficulty breathing, and regulating breathing

– Tingling in hands and feet

– Pain and muscle tension.

Some of these symptoms point to PTSD, where your nervous system’s stuck in a state of constant shock. This prevents you from processing the trauma properly.

It is best if you can get professional help to deal with this, so you slowly start to heal (thought it’s going to take time.)

However, there are also some things that you can do as well – some tips to help with your trauma recovery. They include:

1. Get moving. Trauma dysregulates the body’s equilibrium so you’re stuck in a state of high arousal and fear. Often, exercise can help to repair the disruption, and especially if modulates your breathing and heart rate. (Yoga, and activities like walking, running, dancing and swimming are thought to be especially helpful for this.)

2. Fight the tendency to isolate yourself. Connecting with others helps you slowly start to heal (even though you’ll likely feel that you’d much rather withdraw). You don’t have to share your feelings, or to talk about what happened. Just engaging with others helps to normalize your life.

However, you will also need a person who will listen without judgment (a therapist or counsellor, a friend, or family member). This is absolutely crucial. You can’t bear this on your own.   

Also, many people find it helps to join a group for survivors who have shared the same experience and, therefore, understand.

3. Prioritize self-care. This includes doing your best to get some quality sleep (although PTSD often makes this difficult); making sure your diet’s healthy; spending time in nature; and doing things that help you to unwind and relax.

Take all the time you need to heal. Moving on doesn’t take a day. It takes a lot of little steps to break free of the past, and heal your broken self.”

18 thoughts on “Understanding and Treating Trauma

  1. Understanding trauma meant being vulnerable in its presence.

    How can we heal if we avoid or run away from our trauma

    By the time I healed two more things happened I surrendered when my triggers exploded.

    Opened my arms and observed without resistance

    That showed me ptsd was a bluff

    Then I recognized how humble healing made me

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I like the tips. I believe that they do help and they are presented in a very good way. Comprehensive, not too many words, not too little. Sometimes it’s difficult to concentrate and to read or soak wisdom in, when confused. Thank you for your nice posts!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. The part about not isolating yourself speaks the most to me. Even the most introverted among us need the love and company of others. Like you said, one doesn’t have to constantly discuss the “situation” in order to heal. Just doing something “normal” with a trustworthy friend is a good start.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, you sum it up well. We need people. Not many will understand what we have gone through/ are going through. However, just feeling people include us, value us and want our company is therapeutic in itself. It makes it feel like there is more to our life than the trauma and its consequences. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.


      • I may try this, being around people more. Not to talk about what happened, just to be around. But this pandemic is kicking my butt. Use to go to church a few times a week. Don’t feel safe doing that yet…

        Liked by 1 person

      • Yes, I’ve generally being staying home too. It’s tough, though. This Pandemic is really taking it’s toll. It is hard to keep on going when it feels like the suffering goes on and on and on.
        I agree 100% that the gift of presence is the best thing we can offer to others when the going is tough. Thanks for reading and commenting Brian. Have a lovely day.


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