Icicles in my Heart

It can be hard to find hope when you’ve been through torment

When life feels bleak and hopeless

And you’re tired of everything.

It can be so very hard to hold on to hope.

Yet you manage to keep going

You find the grit and strength to keep on pushing forward

To show up for yourself.

You push on through the darkness.

Through the feelings of despair

There’s someone, or there’s something, that tells you it’s worthwhile.

That you shouldn’t give up yet.

That you must cling on to hope.

And then, one day, it happens

The ice begins to melt

The sun’s rays start to warm you

You feel your heart again.

You find that you are weeping

Because it’s been so hard

But though it’s been a nightmare

You realize:

You’ve survived.

One day you will tell your story of how you overcame what you went through, and it will be someone else’s survival guide.”

21 thoughts on “Icicles in my Heart

    • I love the description as being “The God of all hope.” That really does rekindle hope in our hearts again. He also is a wonderful refuge, and a refuge who is always there. Thanks for reading and commenting Amber 🙂

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