Keeping it Manageable

“You only need to focus on one little step forward.

You don’t need to conquer the entire mountain right now.

You don’t need to have everything figured out today.

The only possible way to climb a mountain is by climbing it one step at a time.

Don’t think about the peak.

Don’t worry about what may come later.

Instead, focus on the one little step in front of you.

The rest will come when it’s time.

For now, it’s just one little step.”

It’s natural to worry, to feel anxious and afraid.

To picture every possible worst-case scenario.

We do it all the time:

When we feel inadequate.

When the outcome really matters.

When we feel we’re powerless.

But you know it doesn’t help.

It really doesn’t help at all.

It really doesn’t make things better – for it doesn’t change a thing.

So try to let it go, and only think of the next step.

That’s all that matters now.

It’s all you need to think about.

12 thoughts on “Keeping it Manageable

  1. Man, I just watched the film ‘Touching The Void’, which was a survival story involving exactly this!!

    I am finding survival stories extremely helpful for getting through this long difficult period I’m going through. My situation is a psychological version of the same thing. That film was just impossible to process fully, I’ll have to watch it again! I really recommend it 😀

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